검색 팝업창

K-Resources Korea Overseas Resources & Energy Industry Association

About K-Rersources


Based on mutual understanding and cooperation between members, to promote sustainable growth of overseas resources industry.


Name Dong Sub KIM(Korea National Oil Corporation President & CEO)

Main Activities

Strengthens cooperative networks among the government, industry and related institutions.

Provides consulting services to member companies.

Provides education and training programs designed to meet the needs of member companies.

Provides information on overseas resources industry.

Conducts research on resources policy and makes policy suggestions to the government.

Extends public relations on Resources industry.



  • Add

    7F Hwanghwa Building 320, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KOREA

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페이지 상단으로 이동
Add : 7F Hwanghwa Building 320, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KOREA
Tel : 02-3453-4060
Fax : 02-3453-3686 Copyright ⓒ 2024 한국해외자원산업협회. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.